Family Ministries
Nursery Care
All ages of children are welcome to stay with their parents throughout our services.
For parents who wish to focus on the service, we provide nursery care for infants through age 3 beginning at 9:45 for Sunday School.
You may pick your child up from the nursery at the breaking of the bread for a blessing, or wait until the end of the service.
Sunday School for All Ages
Join us at 9:45am for Sunday School where we dive deeper into the Bible together.
Children (4y-5th grade) meet in the Christian Education Building next to the nursery, Youth (6th-12th grade) meet in the Game Room down the hall, and the Adult Lectionary class meets in the Parish Hall next door.​
Busy Bags
As you go into service feel welcome to grab a "Busy Bag" for each of your kids. They contain a children's worship bulletin with activities related to the Bible passage of the morning.
Bags are located on the info-table in the narthex or in either transept entrance.
Holy Comforter Youth Group
Starting September 8th, join us every Sunday evening 6:00pm-8:00pm for Youth Group! Youth will eat, play, pray, and study the Word together over in Walker Hall.
If you are willing to provide a meal for the Youth Group please contact the Director of Family Ministries to coordinate a date to do so.
Acolyte Ministry
The Acolyte ministry allows children and youth to serve Christ by helping lead the liturgy of worship at Holy Comforter. There are both roles as Torchbearers and as Crucifers. Please contact the Director of Family Ministries for more information.
Grandparents @ Prayer
Grandparents @ Prayer is a group of grandparents who come together for prayer every second Sunday of the month at 4:00pm in the church Sanctuary. If you are a grandparent, we'd love to have you come join us as we pray for and care for our grandkids!
Want to Get Involved or Have Questions?
Let Us Know!